Zane State College is Award a Grant for the Cyber Security Program. – WHIZ – Fox 5 / Marquee Broadcasting – WHIZ

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Zane State College

ZANESVILLE, OH – The National Science Foundation is a federal agency who awards grant money to support science and engineering in America’s colleges and universities including one right here in Zanesville.

Earlier this month, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown announced a $350,000 grant for Zane State College to expand and enhance their cybersecurity training programs.

“So we’re developing three more tracks within our cybersecurity area. So, we’re going to also going to do a data analytics, cyber security management, and so we’re going to be able to expand that because different companies have different needs for their cyber security professionals. So it means that we’ll be able to serve more employers and give our graduates more opportunities when they graduate. ”

Zane State will also be taking an opportunity later in the month to showcase what the current program has to offer potential students.

“We are going to be having a tour with our cyber security faculty and also an industry expert at the end of June. More information can be found on our website that should be up by the end of today and people are welcome it’s a free event to attend. They’re going to do a tour of our facilities to see the ins and outs of the back end of the server systems that we use to teach these programs and get to meet with someone who’s employed in the field. ”

Enrollment is currently open for fall classes which are entirely online. Visit Zane State College’s website for more information or to apply for classes.

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