U.S. Election Assistance Commission expands use of election security funds to include countering AI-generated … – National Association of Counties

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On February 14, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) unanimously voted to allow Help America Vote Act (HAVA)-authorized election security grant funds to be used to combat election disinformation generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

What’s the EAC? 

The EAC was established by HAVA to make grants to states and local governments and to serve as the national clearinghouse for information and best practices on election administration. The commission is 4 Senate-confirmed Commissioners, 2 from each political party. 

More on the EAC and their role in elections here.

How can election security grants be used to combat AI-generated disinformation?

Election security grant funds can now be used to fund voter education and the promotion of trusted information communications on accurate voting procedures, voting laws and voting technology to counter disinformation generated from AI. 

  • What else can election security grants be used for? Election security grants can be used to improve the administration of elections for federal office, such as enhancing the cybersecurity of and upgrading voting equipment, voter outreach and post-election auditing costs
  • In April 2022 the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) determined that physical security services and social media threat monitoring are eligible uses of HAVA grant funds amid increased threats and harassment towards election workers

Can counties access these funds?

HAVA-authorized funds are traditionally granted at the state-level, meaning each state’s chief election official or office is the primary recipient of federal election administration grant funds. 

Learn more about how counties access these critical funds here. 

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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