The three moments of truth: AI, security and Windows 11 – Gadget – Gadget

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Technology as we know waits for no one, as we have seen in the past few years a month technology is evolving faster than ever and the trends are forever changing. From my perspective I believe we have a unique opportunity to capitalise on a major confluence of trends: the growing need for security, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), and the impending end of support for Windows 10. This trifecta of trends are the biggest focus of many businesses for this year as they all have the ability to make or break organisational operations, efficiency and overall success.


The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and with it, the threats to our security morph at an alarming pace. These threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, wielding the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to wreak havoc in ways we haven’t even imagined.

AI-powered malware is on steroids. Imagine malware that can scan millions of lines of code in seconds, pinpointing exploitable weaknesses with pinpoint accuracy. This is exactly what AI-powered malware can do, identifying vulnerabilities in software, networks, and even internet-of-things (IoT) devices at an unprecedented rate. This automation allows attackers to launch massive assaults against a multitude of targets simultaneously, overwhelming traditional security defences.  Furthermore, AI-powered malware can continuously learn and adapt its tactics. It can morph its code to bypass detection software, mimicking legitimate programs or even generating entirely new variants on the fly. This constant evolution makes it a stealthy and persistent threat, evading traditional antivirus scanners and firewalls.

Social engineering, the art of tricking victims into giving up sensitive information, also gets a major upgrade with AI. AI can analyse social media profiles, emails, and online behaviour to craft hyper-personalised phishing attempts that exploit a victim’s hopes, fears, and interests. These AI-powered forgeries can be eerily convincing, making it difficult even for seasoned users to distinguish them from legitimate messages. But AI threats go beyond malware and phishing. AI can be used to automate large-scale phishing campaigns, manage vast botnets for DDoS attacks or financial scams, and even weaponize deepfakes to spread misinformation or damage reputations. These are just a few examples of how AI is being used to create a new generation of cyber threats. As AI technology continues to develop, we can expect even more sophisticated and dangerous attacks to emerge. It’s a constant arms race, and staying ahead of the curve requires a multi-pronged approach that includes not just advanced security solutions, but also user education and awareness programs. 


The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we work. Gone are the days of staring at a blank page or struggling to find the right words. Enter Copilot, a groundbreaking AI assistant seamlessly integrated into Windows 11. Copilot is a productivity game-changer. It tackles three key challenges: information overload, creative roadblocks, and knowledge gaps.  Imagine having a personal research assistant that can condense complex information into clear summaries, saving you research time. Struggling for inspiration? Copilot can generate creative text formats to spark your imagination and fuel richer ideas. Need an answer to a complex question? Copilot acts as your on-demand knowledge base, providing insightful answers to help you delve deeper and make informed decisions. With Copilot, tackling any project becomes smoother and more efficient.

As we recognise the transformative potential of AI for boosting productivity. That’s why we are launching a wave of new devices designed to work seamlessly with Copilot. These devices are optimised for AI integration, further empowering users to experience a new level of efficiency. Imagine a world where AI handles the mundane tasks like formatting documents or writing repetitive emails. Copilot-enabled devices will make this a reality, freeing users to focus on the strategic aspects of their work. Additionally, with AI streamlining individual tasks, Copilot-powered devices will foster enhanced collaboration. Real-time information sharing, intelligent content suggestions, and seamless communication will become the norm. This shift towards AI-powered devices marks a pivotal moment in how we work. By harnessing the power of AI, we can unlock new levels of productivity, unleash creativity, and revolutionise the way we approach our daily tasks.

End of Support for Windows 10 

A looming deadline in October 2025 threatens to leave many companies vulnerable and stagnant: the end of support for Windows 10. While it might seem like a technicality, the implications for businesses are far-reaching and demand a proactive approach.

Firstly, the end of support for Windows 10 presents a significant security risk.  Microsoft will no longer provide critical security updates, leaving these systems exposed to ever-growing cyber threats.  These updates are vital in patching vulnerabilities in the operating system, vulnerabilities that hackers are constantly seeking to exploit. Without them, businesses become sitting ducks for malware attacks, data breaches, and operational disruptions. In today’s digital age, where cyber threats are a constant reality, this is a risk no business can afford to take. A single successful attack can lead to devastating financial losses, erode customer trust, and damage a company’s reputation. Businesses that continue using Windows 10 after support ends are essentially gambling with their security and jeopardising their future.

Beyond security concerns, the end of support for Windows 10 also means businesses will miss out on crucial advancements and innovations.  Microsoft regularly releases new features and functionality for its operating systems, features that enhance security, streamline processes, and ultimately boost productivity. These features are designed to empower businesses to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing technological landscape. However, by clinging to an unsupported operating system, companies will forego these advancements, hindering their ability to innovate and potentially falling behind competitors that leverage the latest technologies.  Imagine a scenario where a new feature allows for seamless collaboration across teams or simplifies complex data analysis. Businesses clinging to Windows 10 would miss out on such advantages, leading to inefficiencies and potentially hindering growth.

The end of support for Windows 10 presents a clear turning point for businesses. While upgrading to a newer operating system might seem like a temporary challenge, the long-term consequences of inaction far outweigh the initial investment.  Transitioning to a supported system like Windows 11 offers a more secure foundation, unlocks access to valuable new features, and paves the way for a more productive and innovative work environment. By understanding the risks and lost opportunities associated with a legacy system, companies can make informed decisions to future-proof their technological infrastructure and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. This shift isn’t just about adapting to a new operating system; it’s about embracing the evolution of technology and safeguarding a company’s future success.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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