State and Local Government Leaders Urge Congress to Preserve the State and Local Cyber Security Grant Program – National Governors Association

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The Honorable Patty Murray
Senate Committee on Appropriations
Capitol Building S-146A
Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Susan Collins
Vice Chair
Senate Committee on Appropriations
Capitol Building S-128
Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Tom Cole
House Committee on Appropriations
Capitol Building H-307
Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Rosa DeLauro
Ranking Member
House Committee on Appropriations
1036 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Chair Murray, Chair Cole, Ranking Member Collins and Ranking Member DeLauro:

As the collective voice of state and local governments, we urge you to preserve the State and Local Cyber Security Grant Program (SLCGP) funding for cybersecurity improvements at $100 million for FY25 as already approved by Congress through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

There is a growing recognition at all levels of government that cybersecurity cannot be solely the responsibility of Information Technology (IT) professionals. In reality, cyber-attacks represent existential threats to business and national security that impact the daily functioning of our society and economy. While much work has been done by state and local governments to implement stronger cybersecurity protocols and address vulnerabilities, sustained federal funding is critical to ensure continued momentum. The inclusion of the SLCGP in the IIJA recognized this tremendous need.

Even at this early stage of the grant’s lifecycle, the program continues yielding positive results. Local governments can assess where their networks and services are most vulnerable, begin to implement basic cybersecurity protocols and utilize many of the offerings from their state governments to improve security. States have been able to use the funding to expand their whole-of-state approach to improving cybersecurity and the SLCGP has been instrumental in improving collaboration between states, local governments, and other stakeholders. With this grant states and localities have an unprecedented opportunity to improve their security posture, increase collaboration between state, local and federal governments and promote a whole-of-state approach to cybersecurity.

While more work can be done to ensure that the SLCGP maximizes its potential, redirecting these vital funds at this time would seriously hinder efforts at the state and local level to make our nation’s networks secure, protect critical infrastructure and provide digital services to citizens. We understand that you face difficult choices, but we urge you not to eliminate this critical tool in improving cybersecurity.


Doug Robinson, Executive Director, National Association of State Chief Information Officers

Trina R. Sheets, Executive Director, National Emergency Management Association

Matthew D. Chase, CEO/Executive Director, National Association of Counties

Tim Storey, Executive Director, National Conference of State Legislatures

Bill McBride, Executive Director, National Governors Association

Clarence Anthony, CEO/Executive Director, National League of Cities

Tom Cochran, CEO/Executive Director, United States Conference of Mayors

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