Get SOAR Savvy Before RSAC 2024: 5 Reads to Level Up Your SOC – Security Boulevard

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For security leaders heading to RSAC 2024 in need of a refresher on all things SOAR (Security Automation, Orchestration and Response), D3 Security has you covered. Before you hit the expo floor, check out these must-read resources that will equip you with the insights needed to understand the security automation space and choose the right solution to help unlock the full potential of your SOC. Collectively, they will help you see the limitations of some SOAR solutions and learn how Smart SOAR can address long-standing issues in your SOC.

In The Wild 2024

Threat research from D3 Labs recently uncovered the top 10 most prevalent MITRE ATT&CK Techniques used by cyber adversaries in 2023, based on analysis of over 75,000 cyber incidents. The report offers specific insights on strategies and automated incident response playbooks to combat these threats. Download the report for tips on how to leverage Smart SOAR for effective MITRE ATT&CK TTP detection, monitoring, and response actions based on MITRE D3FEND best practices.

How Smart SOAR Drives Business Value

Security practitioners face an ever-increasing volume of security alerts, with false positive rates going as high as 99%, according to a 2022 University of Oxford study. Through automation features like our Event Pipeline and pre-defined playbooks, Smart SOAR can significantly reduce false positives by as much as 98%, allowing SOC teams to focus on high-impact investigations. This translates to faster threat detection and resolution, minimizing potential business disruption and reputational damage. Read the whitepaper to gain insights into how Smart SOAR platforms can deliver measurable business value for your organization, aligning security operations with strategic objectives.

How to Successfully Deploy SOAR

If you haven’t used SOAR before, you probably have a lot of questions about deploying it in your organization. Our new guide offers winning strategies for a streamlined SOAR implementation. You’ll gain insights why you should start with data normalization, and how it pays dividends in terms of simplifying playbook development and deployment. The whitepaper gives pointers on two other key milestones that you can focus on next: artifact enrichment and report generation.

How to Protect Against Business Email Compromise Phishing with Smart SOAR

Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks are a type of social engineering scam designed to trick email recipients into surrendering money or confidential information. These attacks have become a major threat, with one study noting a staggering 108% year-on-year increase in attacks in 2023. Smart SOAR’s effectiveness against this threat stems from its integrations with hundreds of security tools, which empower security teams to automate response actions and expedite threat response. This whitepaper walks you through three Smart SOAR playbooks that help security teams combat BEC attacks, using leading security solutions.

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Techstrong Podcasts

A Comprehensive Guide to Smart SOAR

In case you are new to Smart SOAR and want an overview of what makes it, well, smart, our comprehensive guide can get you started. Learn how Smart SOAR outperforms conventional SOAR tools in every aspect of threat detection, analysis, and incident response. Explore how D3-maintained integrations, managed by the SOAR industry’s largest development team, improve your operational resilience. The guide also covers Smart SOAR’s alert enrichment and threat prioritization capabilities, based on identity, context, memory, and behavior, our Event Pipeline, and a side-by-side comparison of D3’s capabilities against legacy SOAR tools. Download it here.

See Smart SOAR at Booth 4400 at RSA Conference

Trusted by the world’s leading SOC teams at enterprises and MSSPs, Smart SOAR automates the tedious busy work and helps security teams focus on what truly matters. Our happy customers have reported more than a 99% reduction in false positives, and 8x faster incident response times. Unlike many other SOAR vendors, we’re privately held, and proudly independent, giving you the peace of mind of knowing that we are laser-focused on one thing: delivering the best SOAR platform on the planet. Book a meeting or visit our booth at RSA to learn more about how Smart SOAR can streamline your security operations.

The post Get SOAR Savvy Before RSAC 2024: 5 Reads to Level Up Your SOC appeared first on D3 Security.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from D3 Security authored by Shriram Sharma. Read the original post at:

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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