CalypsoAI introduces customizable generative AI security scanners for enterprises – Help Net Security

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CalypsoAI introduced two AI security solutions to the CalypsoAI SaaS platform: next gen security scanners and enhanced security functionalities for chat platforms such as Slack and Microsoft Teams.

These new capabilities are designed to empower enterprises with control and efficiency in managing security threats–setting a new industry benchmark for comprehensive, customizable AI defense systems.

The company’s latest feature suite includes the customizable Generative AI Security Scanner, an offering that allows organizations to design their own AI-powered scanners. This solution is tailored to address specific vulnerabilities and threats, enabling users to set detailed policies, block or redact selected categories of content, and even create new categories based on proprietary data.

Designed for ultimate customization, CalypsoAI’s Generative AI Security Scanners allow various departments within an organization—from marketing and HR to finance and IT—to adapt security settings to their precise needs. This level of detail extends to industry-specific protections, such as safeguarding new drug formulations in Pharmaceuticals or proprietary data in the Financial sector.

CalypsoAI is also launching an innovative security enhancement for enterprise chatbots used in workplace platforms, such as Slack and Microsoft Teams. This new functionality integrates seamlessly into existing workflows, maintaining high security standards without disrupting day-to-day operations.

It supports various models and vendors, from OpenAI and Anthropic to private Azure models, and includes powerful tools like the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system for secure document handling and query support within chat interfaces.

Together, these new solutions underscore CalypsoAI’s commitment to advancing AI security by providing organizations with the tools to build, test, and deploy tailored security measures. By consolidating all individual security tools into one integrated platform, CalypsoAI is setting a new standard in the industry, ensuring businesses can adapt quickly to emerging threats and maintain rigorous compliance.

“When CalypsoAI created the AI security category, we recognized early that companies need more than just security—they also need full enablement. As the market’s needs have grown, we have continued to innovate, now offering a full suite of AI Orchestration tooling,” said Neil Serebryany, CEO, CalypsoAI.

“Our solutions revolutionize enterprise security by allowing organizations to precisely tailor their AI defenses and control AI securely and compliantly. This integrated approach not only enhances data protection but also optimizes communication workflows across platforms, ensuring teams can collaborate safely and effectively,” added Serebryany.

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