AWS Marketplace: Cloud-Native MDR Platform plus Risk Management and Security Services Comments – AWS Blog

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One of the best cybersecurity solutions in the market!

What do you like best about the product?

Adlumin is awesome; their products are thorough, seamless, and intuitive. Adlumin’s SIEM and SOC, penetration testing, and vulnerability scanning offerings are top-of-the-line and continue to dominate in the cybersecurity solutions market. CompuTech is a proud partner of Adlumin. Not only are the offerings top quality, so is the team over at Adlumin. They are communicative, proactive, and engaged. 10/10 recommend.

What do you dislike about the product?

Adlumin is incredibly strong at what they do and in their current service offerings. I would love to see Adlumin continue to innovate and perhaps broaded their product line to include additional security solutions and offerings.

What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?

Adlumin is primarily solving the problem of business folk spending too much time worrying about and tending to their security needs, and not spending enough time on their primary business focuses. Adlumin is the 24/7 team of threat experts that allows users to focus on the core of their operations, exponentializing the organization’s productivity and growth.

Adlumin provides trust, comfort, and delegation – all key to a successful security partnership.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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