Why F5 Is Taking The Long View On AI – Forbes

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While many technology vendors are stumbling over themselves to hype AI, infrastructure provider F5 has been taking a more realistic and data-based approach. In fact, recently released survey results show the company is downright circumspect, highlighting the many risks of AI.

F5’s survey data shows that enterprises are bedeviled by AI difficulties ranging from GPU procurement to data quality and security. But that doesn’t mean AI isn’t a long-term trend. It shows that F5 sees AI as a new application with high data and throughput demands, so it will need a more secure and distributed infrastructure to support it. Not only is this the conclusion of F5’s survey research, but it also synchronizes with our own view at Futuriom.

Moving Slowly Toward AI’s Promise

In a global survey of over 700 IT professionals, along with an in-depth survey of another 75 AI decision-makers in North America and the UK, F5 reported that a majority (77%) may be enthusiastically embracing AI, but 72% have had issues with data quality and scaling. These companies also struggle to obtain AI skillsets, build and operate infrastructure, and—sadly—trust the results of their efforts. A stunning 77% of those surveyed said they lacked a single source of truth for their organization’s data.

If firms can’t trust their AI, they’re not going to deploy it strategically. And that seems to be what’s happening: With a few exceptions at very large and very rich companies, AI deployments consist of a scattering of chatbots and copilots that could be of minimal benefit compared to the outlay of effort they require. As a result, companies aren’t yet using generative AI (GenAI) in live apps: A full 69% are still researching use cases, and 63% are working on proofs of concept.

All of this has been leading F5 to take a long-term view of AI and what it means for the future of infrastructure.

“We overestimate what will happen in the next twenty-four months, but we underestimate what will happen in the next ten to twenty years,” F5 CEO François Locoh-Donou told me in an interview with me earlier this year. “There’s a bit of overestimation for the next twelve months. There’s a lot of hype. We are a couple of years away from seeing the real deployments and five years from how enterprises build their infrastructure.”

Locoh-Donou describes AI as a long-term transformation which will lead to big adjustments by enterprises as well as vendors. At its annual AppWorld conference held earlier in the year, the company unveiled its strategy to create an end-to-end suite of app delivery and security capabilities. This type of infrastructure will be key to supporting AI, which will generate enormous amounts of data and demand high-performance, secure connectivity.

“We think we have entered the world of distributed applications,” F5 CEO François Locoh-Donou. “AI accelerates the distribution of networking and accelerates the need for secure multicloud networking.”

AI Security Issues Loom Large

The F5 survey points out that the data struggle is taking place even in the 53% of companies that claim to have a data strategy in place. But those strategies often don’t align with the needs of AI. Companies successful in implementing mission-critical AI have defined a separate AI strategy targeting specific use cases, and they’ve done their homework in researching technology approaches and setting up trials. In contrast, the laggard firms appear to have approached AI projects in the same way they’ve always worked with data, throwing solutions at the AI problem that worked with business intelligence and other “legacy” applications.

“Our report highlights a concerning trend: Many enterprises, in their eagerness to harness AI, overlook the need for a solid foundation,” said Kunal Anand, EVP and CTO at F5, in a press release. “This oversight not only diminishes the effectiveness of their AI solutions but also exposes them to a multitude of security threats.”

For enterprises undertaking AI projects, security is a many-headed monster. There are internal threats, such as increased corporate liability as a result of AI (reported by 27% of F5’s sample as a top concern); data privacy (23%); and data leakage (21%).

But the potential for AI-powered external attacks was reported as the chief concern of AI security among 29% of enterprises in the F5 study. As a result, 42% of companies surveyed are adding API security; 39% are adding DDoS protection for AI models; and 38% are adding bot protection for models. Overall, respondents are planning to spend 44% more on security over the next several years as AI implementations grow, according to the F5 survey.

Source: F5’s 2024 State of AI Application Strategy Report.

The need for tighter security for AI workloads also should lead to market innovation, according to F5. “AI will accelerate the distribution of workloads. It will accelerate the need for securing APIs,” said CEO Locoh-Donou in my interview with him. “There will be some AI-enabled security capabilities that will be table stakes quickly. After that, AI will cause new applications services to emerge. Things like AI gateways might be mainstream application services.”

Turning to the Cloud

The trouble with AI deployments is pointing enterprises toward AI models and attendant services offered by public cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft, and Google Cloud. While open-source models are also favored, it seems that models from the likes of Microsoft that include integral authentication, security, and monitoring are gaining in popularity. To quote from the report: “It’s not only the model itself that’s important; it’s the availability of a robust ecosystem of services that support access to the model and integration with it.

The report also notes: “This is why the most popular AI models are often offered by cloudproviders. The providers already deliver a rich set of services that support applications of all kinds to greatly simplify adoption of their models.”

Why AI Will Accelerate Hybrid Cloud

While AI models and services are increasingly available from key public cloud providers, there’s evidence in F5’s survey that in the future, customers will continue to deploy a hybrid cloud approach supporting both on-premises and public cloud services. But they will increase the use of SaaS solutions: Today, 49% of those surveyed by F5 said they preferred SaaS as a delivery model for AI, but in two years 64% expect to favor SaaS for AI.

At the same time, use of public cloud is expected to dip slightly, with 65% of respondents reporting use today, and 56% anticipating public cloud use for AI within two years.

Conclusion: Better Data, Tighter Security Is Needed

None of the problems cited in F5’s study is putting off corporate buyers. Indeed, survey respondents reported that 18% of their IT budgets are being spent on AI today; and a full 94% expect that percentage to increase over the next two years.

To realize workflow automation, however, companies will need to get a handle on the quality and maturity of their data sources. Absent this, they can expect to fall short of the hoped-for solutions AI promises.

As AI workloads straighten out and move past trials, security will become tighter and more granular, particularly in the area of APIs, which are the primary means of enterprise interaction with SaaS solutions, the preferred vehicle for AI delivery.

Overall, F5’s survey offers yet another indication that the enterprise world is still struggling to grasp the fundamentals of AI applications, and it will be at least a couple of years before tangible results are widespread.

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