U.S. Cyber Command Leans on the Artificial Intelligence Security Center – Signal Magazine

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The AI Security Center is at the center of that functionality, the commander emphasized. The NSA created the center in 2023 to protect against threats to AI solutions implemented in U.S. national security systems and in the defense industrial base. The center also specializes in addressing threats from adversarial employed-AI. “The AI Security Center will detect and counter threats, drive and deepen partnerships, and develop, evaluate and promote best practices,” Gen. Haugh shared.

CYBERCOM also has its own AI Task Force designed to move the command from just “participating in opportunistic AI applications to systemic adoption.” The command and the task force are “closely” partnering with all of the service cyber components to deliver AI capabilities needed for the broader cyber mission and daily cyber warfare operations.

“We are taking steps to integrate our AI Task Force even more closely with operations,” Gen. Haugh noted. “Second, we are posturing U.S. Cyber Command to enable AI adoption at scale by addressing many of the nonmaterial issues like policy and standards that will be required to allow responsible, ethical, assured and secure application of AI. And finally, our no-fail mission means that we are laser focused to counter AI threats and exploiting emerging opportunities.”

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