This AI security camera shoots intruders, launches tear gas attacks – NewsBytes

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The camera starts by issuing verbal warnings
Apr 21, 2024

05:42 pm

What’s the story

OZ-IT, a Slovenia-based start-up, has launched an innovative autonomous security camera named “PaintCam Eve” or EVA.

This cutting-edge product is equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, that allow it to identify individuals and issue verbal warnings.

In extreme cases, EVA can deploy paintballs or tear gas for enhanced security measures.

The company’s website describes EVA as a “vigilant guardian that doesn’t sleep, blink, or miss a beat.”

Model variations

Three models with escalating features

EVA is available in three distinct models: Eve, Eve+, and Eve Pro.

Each model offers a unique range of features, including the ability to switch on and off, animal detection, and in the most advanced model, recognize faces.

The product’s promotional video highlights its integrated paintball launcher that can also deploy tear gas.

It further personifies EVA with a female voiceover stating it comes “equipped with an integrated paintball launcher.”

Enhanced security

Advanced security and customization options

EVA’s promotional video showcases a scenario where it confronts a potential intruder, issuing a warning: “You are identified as non-authorized personnel. You have five seconds to leave the property.”

If ignored, EVA can activate its paintball and tear gas features.

The company’s website highlights EVA’s customization options, stating, “If an unknown face appears next to someone known — perhaps your daughter’s new boyfriend — PaintCam defers to your instructions.”


Launch and pricing remain unconfirmed

The release date and pricing for Eve/EVA remain uncertain at the moment. However, as hinted on the website, OZ-IT plans to initiate a Kickstarter campaign on April 23 to fund its launch.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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