SBA Announces $3M Cybersecurity Grant – CBIA

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The U.S. Small Business Administration this week announced $3 million in funding to strengthen cybersecurity for small businesses. 

Officials said the agency will award three grants to state agencies to provide training, counseling, and other tailored cybersecurity services to startups and entrepreneurs. 

Grant awards range from $1 million to $1.05 million for a 24-month performance period that will end September 2026. 

“Through this new funding, the SBA will fund ecosystem partners to provide more cyber training and counseling to strengthen small businesses’ ability to compete in this increasingly digital economy,” SBA Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman said. 

“The SBA will fund ecosystem partners to provide more cyber training and counseling to strengthen small businesses’ ability to compete.”

SBA Administrator Isabel Guzman

The fund is part of the Cybersecurity for Small Business pilot program. 

Launched in 2022 to help small businesses develop their cybersecurity infrastructure, the program has awarded nearly $9 million in funding. 

State agencies can apply for the grant through Aug. 2, 2024. 

The SBA and its partners offer various other cybersecurity resources for small businesses in Connecticut.

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