Physical Access Control: A $21B Market for MSP Growth – Managed Services …

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Physical Security Access Control as a Service

The physical access control system market is growing. Fact.MR predicts the market, valued at $8.1 billion in 2022, will grow at a 10.3 percent CAGR to reach $21.66 billion worldwide by the end of 2032. Furthermore, North America represents a significant share – 21 percent – of the market.

Access control solutions can include various components, including PIN pads, smartphone applications, access cards, key fobs, time-based access, unique door access, and unique access per individual. Managed services providers (MSPs) can combine on-premises systems with SaaS applications and services to create cost-effective systems with expanded functionality that enhances security.

Felicia King, president and CEO of QPC Security and member of The ASCII Group, says that access control solutions can be integrated with surveillance, building lockdown automation, phone systems, and public address systems for a total solution that automates responses if incidents occur.

PS Market Research predicts that the Access Control as a Service market, valued at over $1 billion in 2022, will grow at 15.7 percent CAGR to reach $3.2 billion by 2030.

Who’s Buying Physical Access Control Solutions?

King sees the greatest demand in the education and healthcare sectors. “A lot of commercial facilities are using access control for more flexible access options providing different rules for different personnel with different schedules,” she says. “It can also reduce the issues associated with losing physical keys or too many to carry.”

She adds that access control is heavily used at critical infrastructure sites such as utility companies and their installations. “It is quite common for surveillance rules to be activated and correlated with access control activity,” King says.

Fact. MR points out that demand for some forms of physical access control decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, biometric authentication solution implementation dropped when offices closed. However, when facilities reopened, businesses began to demand touchless solutions, resulting in higher sales for facial, iris, or voice recognition solutions. Businesses recovering after shutdowns also looked for systems to automate processes as they reallocated employees due to the labor shortage and to increase efficiency as operational costs rose.

How to Provide the Optimal Solution for Your Clients

With so many approaches to physical access control and a wide range of technologies businesses can use to protect entry to restricted areas, MSPs need procedures that help them determine the best solutions for their clients.

King, a CISO, security architect, business process consultant, and engineer, comments, “My approach is always to get to know the customer and understand their exact requirements and needs.”

“I consult the business, engineer a solution, and then what has been accepted by the customer is implemented. We are very sensitive to the ongoing support model of the client and empower the client’s personnel to manage the system in an ongoing fashion where possible,” she says,

King adds, “Do not try to install or deploy an access control solution in a vacuum. For it to be optimally effective, the access control solution must be integrated with the suite of technologies that the customer uses.”

She also advises, “Understand the support model, budget, TCO, and RACI matrix required for a solution to be effective. It is not just about implementation but ongoing support and scale.” Those ongoing services will ensure your solutions provide the functionality and value your clients need and can increase recurring revenue.

It’s Time to Expand Your Offerings

If you’ve provided on-premises physical access control solutions in the past – or are considering providing solutions to meet the growing demand for advanced systems – it’s time to grow your network of partners, expand your portfolio, and use this opportunity to build your business.

About The ASCII Group, Inc.

The ASCII Group is the premier community of North American MSPs, MSSPs, VARs and solution providers. The group has over 1,300 members throughout the U.S. and Canada, and membership encompasses everyone from credentialed MSPs serving the SMB community to multi-location solution providers with a national reach. Founded in 1984, ASCII provides services to members, including leveraged purchasing programs, education and training, marketing assistance, extensive peer interaction and more. ASCII works with a vibrant ecosystem of major technology vendors that complement the ASCII community and support the mission of helping MSPs and VARs grow their businesses. For more information, please visit

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