Iveda survey reveals Americans’ sentiment toward AI & security – SECURITY SYSTEMS NEWS

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MESA, Ariz. – Cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) solution provider Iveda has released new data which shows that 84% of Americans are concerned about the rising rate of violence in the United States.

In fact, according to the survey produced by Iveda, the average American (79%) noted that they have changed their daily routine out of concern for their safety and wellbeing. Further, more than half (53%) of survey respondents have an overall positive understanding regarding the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) into their everyday lives, especially about increasing safety and security measures.

In 2023, the Biden administration’s Bipartisan Safer Communities Act provided the Department of Justice with $4.9 billion in discretionary resources for state and local grants to enhance public safety. Meanwhile, the U.S. spent $3 billion on security procedures and protocols last year in an effort to create safer learning environments for students across the country. In spite of that Iveda said that safety in schools and other public places remains an increasingly pressing issue with concerns around violence, bullying, theft, and vandalism putting individuals at risk.

“The headlines don’t lie: threats to our belongings, homes, and loved ones continue to persist. Now, as leaders in law enforcement and security work to protect the people and things that matter most, we must reevaluate the technology supporting them,” said David Ly, CEO and founder of Iveda. “As the U.S. leans on AI to keep people safe, it’s critical to understand the average American’s sentiment on the subject. We’re pleased to see overwhelming positivity and willingness to learn more, especially as we foresee more government agencies, communities, and organizations turning to AI as a critical force multiplier in monitoring for and alerting against situations where safety may be compromised.”

Notably, more than half (51%) of survey respondents said they would feel more confident in their child’s safety at school if AI were deployed to detect weapons, unauthorized access, smoke, and fire, and more; 33% felt neutral about the deployment of AI in schools for security purposes.

Additional key findings from the report include:

45% of people feel that their community would feel more secure if technology was deployed with the mission of keeping people safe; 32% were unsure.

34% felt confident in the ability of artificial intelligence to keep their community safe, while 33% remained neutral on the topic.

33% of respondents said that they would trust artificial intelligence to help keep their home, personal belongings, and loved ones safe while 32% felt neutral.

For more information on Iveda and the services it provides as well as an infographic with more information about survey results you can visit iveda.com.

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