InfoComm 2024 Panel to Explore Integrator Opportunities in Security and AV – Security Sales & Integration

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The discussion, which starts at 8:30 a.m. on June 13, will bring together four integrators in the security and AV communities.

ORLANDO, Fla. — Dan Ferrisi, group editor for commercial and security at Emerald, will moderate “Emerging Integrator Opportunities in the Physical-Security Space” at InfoComm 2024 next month.

The discussion, which starts at 8:30 a.m. on June 13, will bring together several of the most respected integrators in the AV and security communities:

  • Dawna Payne, executive vice president, Texadia Systems
  • Lionel Felix, founder and chief revenue officer, Felix Media Solutions
  • Matt Thorne, executive vice president, Electronic Contracting Company (ECC)
  • Travis Deatherage, partner and president, Linx Multimedia

If you’d like more information about the session, which will take place in Rooms W209/W210, check out the listing on the InfoComm website.

Crossover Opportunities in Security and AV

The panel discussion, scheduled for one hour, will touch on key considerations for AV integrators who are considering crossing over into security. Indeed, if you’re an integrator thinking about widening your aperture and embracing new opportunities, it might be a mistake to miss this session!

Questions to be considered include the following:

  • The need for intentionality when branching beyond AV integration. If you’re just chasing opportunities, this might not be the wisest decision. Does branching into AV and security fit into your core values and your mission statement?
  • When making this move, is it smarter to try to train/upskill your existing team members? Alternatively, is it more productive to align with a security subcontracting company as a partner, or perhaps embrace an M&A strategy?
  • What about code requirements, permitting and licensing? Is your integration firm ready to tackle these? This is part and parcel of being in the physical security space.
  • Why it’s important to differentiate between “mission critical” and “business critical” if you work in AV and security. In the physical security space, lives and livelihoods are on the line. Is there a different ethos behind doing security work?
  • For AV integrators looking to lean into recurring revenue as central to their business model, is branching into AV and security a great way to level up their RMR percentages?

After the presentation, there will be a short Q&A, so audience members have an opportunity to ask questions specific to their business and its needs.

If you’re attending InfoComm 2024, we hope you attend “Emerging Integrator Opportunities in the Physical-Security Space.” There may be no more important session for integration business leaders looking to maximize their chances of long-term, sustainable success integrating security and AV technologies.

The original version of this post appeared on SSI’s sister site,

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