How Kyndryl is taking threat detection and response to the next level – Kyndryl

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Cyber Resilience Services Design

The specialists in each Kyndryl SOC capitalize on our global scale by collaborating with cybersecurity authorities worldwide. These experts manage the security of thousands of enterprise customers across every industry. They use advanced tools to analyze threats and conduct malware assessments that test new cyberattack techniques to develop sharable results.

Traditional security operations centers and platforms typically are rigid, and often implement a one-size-fits-all approach without adapting to an organization’s changing needs. To meet our customers where they are on their security journey, Kyndryl provides end-to-end Security Operations and Response services. Kyndryl’s Security Operations as a platform (SOaap) helps operators prevent, detect and respond to cyber threats in real time. Integrated with Kyndryl Bridge, SOaap provides a “single pane of glass” view where customers can manage their security tools in one place. With SOaap, customers are able to maximize their existing security tools and investments without force-fitting, and can select from multiple staffing and resourcing options to continuously adapt to the changing threat landscape. Kyndryl’s SOaap also allows our customers to define how much or how little cybersecurity capability they want to manage themselves, using their selected tools in any region to meet their data location and sovereignty requirements with a straightforward cost model.

The SOaap capabilities enable Kyndryl to provide enhanced threat management, as well as allow us and our customers to determine threat impacts quickly and streamline the coordinated efforts of IT and Security Operations.

This is where Kyndryl’s new Cyber Resilience Services Design comes in. Kyndryl’s Security & Resiliency Offering Management team guides customers through co-investigation and co-innovation processes to address their critical issues and develop their management capabilities. This new service enables customers to co-innovate and co-invest alongside Kyndryl to create new services that sit on top of Kyndryl Bridge. Recognizing Kyndryl’s depth of capabilities, this services works with Kyndryl Consult and Kyndryl Vital, supported by an extensive partner ecosystem. Kyndryl uses a similar process to co-innovate and co-develop with its partners and alliances, such as AWSCiscoVeritas and Rubrik, to bring new services to market quickly.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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