Cybersecurity at 2024 Paris Olympics: Protecting the Games – Technology Magazine

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Tim West, Director of Threat Intelligence and Outreach at WithSecure, emphasises the heightened risk: “We strongly believe that the Paris Olympics will face a greater threat of malicious cyber activity than previous Olympics. Hacktivists aligned with pro-Russia states, in particular, will almost certainly try to disrupt the Olympics in some way.”

The potential attack vectors are diverse. Cybercriminals may attempt to exploit the public’s enthusiasm through fraudulent ticket sales or fake promotional offers. More sophisticated actors could target the Games’ infrastructure, aiming to disrupt events or hijack broadcast signals to spread political messages.

The report also highlights the risk to sponsors and affiliated organisations, which may find themselves in the crosshairs of attackers looking to tarnish the Games’ reputation or exploit valuable data.

While the threat landscape is daunting, there is cause for optimism. French authorities and Olympic organisers are well aware of the risks and have been working diligently to fortify their defences. Drawing on lessons learned from previous Olympics, including the Tokyo 2020 Games which reportedly faced 450 million cyber-attacks, the cybersecurity team for Paris 2024 is expected to be well-prepared.

“Network defenders involved in Paris 2024 are almost certainly well-equipped and prepared to mitigate Computer Network Exploitation (CNE) and Computer Network Attacks (CNA) operations,” the WithSecure report notes.

Nevertheless, the challenge remains significant. The evolving nature of cyber threats means that defenders must remain vigilant and adaptable throughout the Games. As West puts it, “There are numerous threats to the Olympics, with varying levels of motivation and capabilities, and a successful cybersecurity operation will be a great challenge for the Olympic authorities.”

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