Constantly improving, cost-effective container and network security platform. – AWS Blog

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Constantly improving, cost-effective container and network security platform.

What do you like best about the product?

Very easy to integrate into kubernetes, deployment is quick and painless.
Tigera support is knowledgeable and helpful.
The network security policy recommendations are excellent.
Great visibility of traffic within the cluster.

What do you dislike about the product?

The pricing model may not be that friendly for compute-intensive environments, but offers much more value than traditional network security appliances.
Configuration can be a little tricky to dial-in, but once setup properly it’s basically “hands-free”.
Many namespaces and pods are deployed as part of the installation, which comes with more overhead albeit minimal.

What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?

We use Calico Cloud is our primary tool for securing our containerized workloads via policy including egress filtering via FQDNs, anomaly and threat detection, and namespace isolation to name a few.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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