City of Newburgh: No personal information of residents, employees impacted by cyber attack – Times Herald-Record

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CITY OF NEWBURGH – No sensitive personal information belonging to Newburgh residents or employees was compromised as a result of a cybersecurity attack that happened exactly one month ago, the city announced Wednesday.

It was on June 10 that the city detected and stopped a cybersecurity attack in which an unauthorized third party accessed some of its network systems.

When that happened, the city immediately took steps to secure its network, and launched an investigation with the assistance of independent cybersecurity experts to determine the nature and extent of the attack.

The city said it had implemented several measures to protect itself and its residents should such an attack ever occur.

Background:Cybersecurity incident disrupts some City of Newburgh government services

Thanks to those measures, the city said Wednesday, it can now confirm the independent investigation of the cybersecurity attack revealed no evidence that sensitive personal information of residents or employees was impacted by this incident.

There was no disruption to public safety services, and those public services and administrative functions that were minimally impacted were restored ahead of schedule, the city said.

The city was unable to accept payments for property taxes; water, sewer and sanitation services; and permit fees and parking tickets for several days after the attack.

Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies were notified of the incident, and a criminal investigation is continuing.

The city said it is reviewing all of its current security protocols, and adding additional security measures as needed to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Mike Randall covers breaking news for the Times Herald-Record and the Poughkeepsie Journal. Reach him at [email protected].

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