Building Security & Technology Series: Webinar 2 – Building Safety Design & Technologies – Buildings

1 minute, 33 seconds Read

This event was originally held on May 15, 2024
and is now available for on demand viewing.

Duration: 1 Hour each
Gold Sponsors: Genetec, ISS, Prometheus
Silver Sponsors: Eagle Eye Networks, EVOLV, OpenEye

 Register Today!                      

Endeavor Business Media’s Security Group and Buildings & Construction Group have partnered on a unique four-part, one-month online event series focused on security, safety, and smart technologies in the modern building environment. CEUs will be available for attendees from all disciplines.

#2: WEBINAR – Physical Security for Facility Managers: May 15 – 1PM EDT 

Building safety and security requirements have been redefined in recent years and physical security systems need to keep up. They’ve evolved from handling video surveillance and access control to becoming key to an organization’s digital transformation. The primary goal of a physical security system is to keep people, facilities and assets safe. These functions are often interdependent and work best when they are unified on a single platform. Creating a strategic approach that is holistic and stresses policy and technology unification gives users a consistent experience across security tasks.

This webinar will discuss how facility and security management can assess your building’s technology needs and properly integrate your access control, video surveillance, panic alarms, lockdowns, visitor management, smart building tech and more.

Main Learning Points:

  • How to plan and implement a unified physical security platform
  • What does systems integration really mean and how can it work in your facility
  • How can you use technology to improve situational awareness and enable better decision-making
  • What does an open-architecture systems approach do to enhance security and your bottom line
  • Why cybersecurity is now a priority during physical security design and deployment
  • Why a connected solution with building automation tools can provide even greater protection and efficiencies for building operations

 Register Today!  Single sign-in registration get you access to ALL 4 events.
                 Join them all or
just the ones you want to attend!


This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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