Arizona Establishes AI and Election Security Advisory Committee to Bolster Voting Integrity – Hoodline

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Arizona has taken a decisive step toward enhancing election security with the establishment of the new Artificial Intelligence and Election Security Advisory Committee. Chaired by prominent figures Chris Cummiskey and Gowri Ramachanran, the committee held its first meeting to discuss the applications of AI in securing elections. In a recent press release, Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes emphasized the state’s commitment to innovation, stating, “We are asserting our leadership in modernizing government services, lowering the cost of business, and bracing for the challenges to secure democracy for all Arizonans.”

Fontes, who has made headlines with his efforts to modernize Arizona’s election process, called on a diverse group of experts to serve on the committee. Playing pivotal advisory roles, notable individuals include Rao Kambhampati from Arizona State University and members from organizations such as Microsoft, OpenAI, and the Brennan Center for Justice. This initiative, which follows a series of successful tabletop exercises for election officials in December 2023, also earned Fontes the 2023 Clearie Award for Outstanding Innovations in Election Cybersecurity and Technology, according to the Secretary of State’s office.

Addressing the current underutilization of AI technologies, the committee aims to guide the development of clear strategies for leveraging AI in government. While only a reported 7% of election officials use AI for certain tasks, the growing need for mentorship on the principled use of AI in elections was a central topic at the inaugural meeting. The committee’s monthly meetings will culminate in a major event at the year’s end, focusing on the multifaceted nature of AI—including both the opportunities and the risks it presents to election integrity.

Setting their sights on practical measures, the committee plans to establish standards for labeling AI-generated content. With the aim to verify authenticity, the use of certified digital signature technologies is a key part of a larger effort to foster the safe and ethical advancement of AI across a variety of users. A comprehensive report detailing the committee’s findings and recommendations is slated to be released in January 2025, ensuring the public, who is invited to follow along through updates, will have access to the committee’s insights despite the meetings being closed for security reasons, as the press release stated.

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