AI-powered cyberattacks are the biggest concern for IT – and most are unprepared for them – TechRadar

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IT leaders are struggling to keep pace with the evolving threat landscape – and the increasing use of AI in cyberattacks is the main culprit. 

The 2024 Keeper Security Insight Report, which surveyed over 800 IT and cybersecurity professionals around the world found many are most concerned about cyberattacks that make use of AI, which are purportedly the most difficult to deal with.

Keeper concurs, believing that “cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, breaking historically secure solutions and inflicting damage on vulnerable organizations across every sector.”  

AI-powered threats

A massive 92% of respondents have seen an increase in cyberattacks year-on-year. What’s more worrying is that 95% also believe they are becoming more sophisticated, with security teams not ready to tackle them. 73% said cyberattacks they have experienced have resulted in monetary loses too. 

AI-powered attacks lead the way in emerging vectors witnessed by organizations (51%), followed jointly by deepfake and supply chain attacks (36% each). Cloud jacking came in third (35%), closely followed by IoT and 5G attacks (34% each). Between 23-35% of respondents also said they do not have the defenses to deal with any of these attacks.

More generally, Phishing is the most common attack type experienced by the respondents (61%), followed by malware (59%), ransomware (49%) and password attacks (38%). In addition, 84% said that phishing attacks are becoming harder to detect, thanks to AI tools

Keeper Security CEO Darren Guccione commented, “malicious actors are wreaking havoc on vulnerable organizations in novel ways, leveraging emerging technology to execute devastating cyber attacks.”

He added, “Fighting evolving threats requires constant adaptation, underscoring the need for a proactive approach to cybersecurity – one that combines advanced defense mechanisms and basic best practices to identify evolving threats and defeat a cyberattack.”


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