A group of R1 jailbreakers found a massive security flaw in Rabbit’s code – The Verge

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The company behind the R1 is under fire once again, this time for failing to keep sensitive API keys secure.

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A photo of the Rabbit R1.

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Rabbit and its R1 AI gadget are under fire again, and it’s much more serious than the time we found out its launcher really could just be installed as an Android app. A group of developers and researchers called Rabbitude says it discovered API keys hardcoded in the company’s codebase, putting sensitive information at risk of falling into the wrong hands.

These keys essentially provided access to Rabbit’s accounts with third-party services like its text-to-speech provider ElevenLabs and — as confirmed by 404 Media — the company’s SendGrid account, which is how it sends emails from its rabbit.tech domain. According to Rabbitude, its access to these API keys — particularly the ElevenLabs API — meant it could access every response ever given by R1 devices. That is Bad with a capital b.

Rabbitude published an article yesterday saying that it gained access to the keys over a month ago but that despite knowing about the breach, Rabbit did nothing to secure the information. Since then, the group says its access to most of the keys has been revoked, suggesting that the company rotated them, but as of earlier today, it still had access to the SendGrid key.

Rabbit responded to our request for comment by pointing us to a page on its site, published midday on Wednesday. Company spokesperson Ryan Fenwick says that the company will be updating the page to “provide updates as they become available.” The statement on its site echoes a post Rabbit made to its Discord channel yesterday, saying that it is in the midst of investigating the incident but hasn’t yet found “any compromise of our critical systems or of the safety of customer data.”

Following its much-hyped launch this spring, the Rabbit R1 proved itself to be a disappointment. Battery life was bad, its feature set was bare-bones, and its AI-generated responses often contained errors. The company issued a software update on short order fixing bugs like the battery drain and has continued to release updates since then, but the R1’s core problem of overpromising and massively underdelivering remains unchanged. And a serious security breach like this makes it much harder to win back public trust.

Update, June 26th: Added a link to a support page on Rabbit’s site with its response to the security breach.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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