Strengthening Web3 Security: SourceHat Labs and CUBE3.AI Partner Up – CoinTrust

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SourceHat Labs, renowned for its expertise in smart contract auditing, has announced a strategic partnership with CUBE3.AI, a trailblazer in real-time transaction security for Web3 applications. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in enhancing the security landscape of blockchain technology, uniting two leading security firms dedicated to safeguarding Web3 projects and communities.

Unmatched Expertise and Track Record

With a client portfolio ranging from startups to enterprises, SourceHat Labs has conducted nearly 2000 smart contract audits, establishing a reputation for excellence and reliability. Through meticulous analysis, they ensure project teams are well-prepared for mainnet deployment. Now, in partnership with CUBE3, SourceHat extends its protection post-deployment, proactively identifying and addressing potential threats in real-time, thus fortifying the security posture of Web3 applications.

Innovative Security Solutions

CUBE3’s cutting-edge technology offers continuous protection for mainnet smart contracts by swiftly identifying and thwarting malicious activities while permitting legitimate transactions. This dynamic approach, coupled with SourceHat’s rigorous audits, forms an unparalleled defense mechanism against cyber threats in the Web3 landscape. Clients of SourceHat Labs will have access to tailored security solutions provided by CUBE3, ensuring ongoing monitoring and protection aligned with their project’s unique requirements.

Focused Expertise for Enhanced Quality

Dan Johnson, COO of SourceHat Labs, emphasizes the importance of specialization in delivering high-quality services. By partnering with best-in-class firms like CUBE3, SourceHat Labs can maintain its focus on delivering top-notch smart contract analysis and security audits. This strategic approach ensures clients benefit from the expertise of industry leaders, each dedicated to their specific niche.

A Commitment to Evolving Security Practices

This partnership underscores a shared commitment to evolving security practices in response to the dynamic nature of blockchain technology. By addressing current and future threats, SourceHat Labs and CUBE3.AI aim to provide clients with comprehensive security solutions tailored to the evolving needs of the Web3 ecosystem. Together, they pave the way for a more secure and resilient blockchain landscape, where innovation and adaptability are paramount.

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