6 trends defining the enterprise IT market today – CIO

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Generative AI impacts everything

Generative AI stands alone as today’s most important IT market trend. “We often see trends that affect a few parts of an organization, but generative AI has the potential to be a catalyst for change from back office to consumer products and everything in between,” says Mike Storiale, vice president of innovation development at financial services firm Synchrony.

Catalyst technologies like generative AI create a demand for change, Storiale says. “The demand is exciting and unlocks massive potential, but also creates a need for IT organizations to be laser-focused in how they prioritize and scale the tools needed to empower the organization, while also being responsible.”

It’s critical, he adds, to embrace the paradox: “You will need to move fast and be prudent at the same time.”

Gen AI is driving creativity, enhancing everything from employee experience to development operations to customer experience, Storiale says. At the same time, there’s an increased focus on what needs to be prioritized to ensure that enterprises have the resources and tools in place to meet gen AI’s demands.

“Much like other catalyst trends, we’ll see an explosion of ideas in the short term, followed by groundbreaking transformation, and then a settling into the use cases that work,” he predicts. “Over time, we expect that gen AI becomes as baked into operations as other catalysts before it, like the internet, mobility, and the cloud.”

Generative AI will enable enterprises to use data with great efficiency and productivity, says Lori Beer, global CIO at JPMorgan Chase.

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