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Organizations seeking to create value from generative AI are turning to their data. If harnessed properly, such corporate crown jewels can help organizations unlock process efficiencies and new revenue streams — key ingredients for gaining competitive advantages.  

Generative AI is poised to boost annual profits by $2.6 to $4.4 trillion,  according to consulting firm McKinsey & Company. This is incentivizing many companies to tap into generative AI applications to craft sales and marketing materials, brainstorm new digital products, and even write software code. 

As is the case with any nascent technology, generative AI services come with their fair share of risks and uncertainties, but running generative AI solutions in your data center may result in more flexibility and control over data. Here are three keys to curbing generative AI’s security risks. 

Weigh generative AI’s many risks

Control is critical at a time when concerns about managing generative AI technologies loom large. Many employees already use text, image, and video generators to augment their daily workstreams, often without IT’s blessing, leading to the rise of shadow AI.

The generative nature of their output means they are capable of inadvertently disclosing information from the training data. LLMs can inherit biases present in their training data or conjure inaccurate content. Both risks can pose ethical and legal implications for your business. 

LLMs may also be exploited to create malicious code, such as phishing scams and other malware. Generative AI services are susceptible to so-called prompt injection attacks, in which attackers can extract prompts and any files employees may have uploaded to models to refine results. And, as with prior social engineering hacks, bad actors have gotten better at forging realistic deep fakes. 

Sometimes the data used to inform LLMs may require additional protection to prevent unauthorized privacy or other disclosures. Data sovereignty rules govern how data is stored, processed, and used in countries worldwide. All of this adds up to a daunting challenge for you as an IT leader struggling to weigh the risks of adopting generative AI. A recent Dell survey indicates that 45% of IT decision-makers cited risks to data and IP as the top reason they are hesitant about embracing generative AI.

Build and run on-premises to reduce risks

While there is no silver bullet solution to protecting your corporate assets, training and augmenting a generative AI model on-premises can help you reduce bias, disinformation, and other threats to your data and corporate reputation. Think of it like this: Your on-premises data center is like a bank, the vault protecting your sensitive IP, allowing you to prioritize security, privacy, governance, and control.  

To further your data protection practices and defend corporate assets, you can employ a zero-trust strategy. This will allow you to decide who has access to data and what data is shared, as well as how to remediate security issues. Zero-trust principles will further enable you to encrypt and monitor data while instituting governance and communications policies for responsible use.

Generative AI in a multi-cloud world

While on-premises may offer the best option for securing and even customizing generative AI models, some organizations may require a broader, more portable approach. This may entail running generative AI apps in multiple operating environments, close to where the data resides. In such scenarios, organizations may want to build their applications on-premises but run them in private or public clouds for agility’s sake, or at the edge where latency must be lower.  

A recent Dell survey showed that 82% of IT decision-makers said they were interested in taking an on-premises or hybrid approach to building their generative AI solution. Ultimately, identifying the best place to securely run generative AI workloads isn’t easy, and many organizations may lack the talent to do so. That’s where the ecosystem of partners shines. 

Dell Technologies’ generative AI solutions portfolio is as broad as it is deep, featuring client devices and server infrastructure that will support your AI workload requirements. And, by applying a zero-trust approach to architecture, Dell is well-positioned to help you secure your applications and data as you gradually adopt generative AI.

Learn more about how Dell views the intersection of GenAI and cybersecurity. 

This post was created by Dell Technologies with Insider Studios