2024 Antivirus Market Annual Report – Security.org

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More people are turning to antivirus to protect crypto exchanges

Modern antivirus platforms and their cybersecurity suites offer a wide range of tools and services, but solid protection against malware remains the top priority for third-party antivirus subscribers.

Why do you use third-party antivirus software? Percentage of users
General security against malware and viruses 84%
General privacy concerns 56%
Increased security while online shopping 48%
It’s what came on my device 19%
Use public Wi-Fi without risk 18%
Required for job 12%
To protect cryptocurrency exchanges 8%
Secure VOIP phone calls 3%

Note: Multiple choices allowed

Privacy issues are another significant concern among antivirus users. Stolen medical records, biographical information, personal communication, browsing histories, and financial transactions can put users at risk of identity theft, doxxing, or other serious repercussions. Half of antivirus users desired extra peace of mind when transmitting credit card information through online purchases.

The most significant changes from our previous study were:

  • A 50 percent decline in people citing work requirements, likely due to the post-pandemic reduction in remote working.
  • An increase in individuals using antivirus services to safeguard their transactions on cryptocurrency exchanges

Most consumers believe antivirus programs supply the protection they require. Overall, 88 percent of Americans feel that antivirus software is effective. Confidence in antivirus programs is even higher among users of third-party software – particularly with paying customers.

2024 Antivirus Market Report Callout

2024 Antivirus Market Report Callout

Determining whether this faith in antivirus protection is fully justified is difficult. Around six percent of antivirus users experienced breakthrough malware or viruses in the past 12 months, and there was not a significant difference in the prevalence of breakthrough viruses between those who use paid or free third-party antivirus and those who use proprietary software. However, some users may not have noticed if their devices were impacted by malware.

Experts acknowledge that antivirus programs alone can’t prevent all malware and malfeasance. Accordingly, antivirus software should constitute only one part of all users’ digital security strategies. A majority of Americans believe safe browsing habits are even more critical than antivirus protection—an opinion supported by data showing human error is now the root cause of most data breaches.

Which features are included with your antivirus software? Percentage of third-party antivirus users
Firewalls or network protection 59%
Secure browser 51%
System performance optimization 38%
Password manager 32%
VPN 29%
Identity theft protection 27%
Parental controls 19%
Encrypted cloud storage 16%
None of the above 21%

Note: Multiple choices allowed

Additional security tools can improve personal online practices, including password managers, VPNs, browser safeguards, encrypted storage, identity monitors, and system optimizers that ensure all drivers and utilities are current. At least one of these features comes with four out of five third-party antivirus packages. More vigilant marketing of these supplementary services may be the key to further growth in the antivirus software sector.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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